Sunday, February 18, 2018


Recently, I was asked a question on equal rights as it relates to the Islamic view of homosexuality. First—Muslim scholars say the Prophet (pbuh) was reported to have condemned it as a cursed act and should be punished like adultery.  His inheritors (i.e. the religious scholars) have thus classified it as a form of Zinna (adultery). (Qur’an 4:16,26:165-66)

Second—“In the West today homosexuality and lesbianism have come to be seen as an alternative lifestyle subject to personal preference…Arguments in favor of tolerance in same sex relationships are based on the assumption that homosexual behavior is biologically based on and not merely learned from society. Islam considers homosexuality to be the result of human choice. Human beings are not robots to do only what they are programmed to do. They choose how to behave, and God holds them responsible for their choices. It is inconceivable that God would have made some people homosexuals and declared it a punishable crime. To accept such is a proposition is to suggest that God is unjust”. The authors go on to write, “Inclinations can exist within humans toward a variety of natural acts and unnatural ones such as rape, pedophilia or bestiality. These inclinations may arise from media influence or direct contact, but it does not mean that free reign should be given to them. Muslims are under obligation to control and overcome such inclinations in obedience to God”. In the footnotes we have in part, “…Islam considers deliberate efforts to change this nature as rebellion against the Creator.”  Clear your doubts about Islam, Saheeh International/ Abul Qasim Publications pg. 43  
Third—A few pages after the above we come to the question of the harshness of the Islamic penal code on sexual activity outside of marriage. “..Punishment in Islam has a social purpose, which is to dissuade others from committing the same crime…The western view of man-woman relationships is usually that of permissiveness, one that accepts extramarital and illicit relationships as normal. The greatest casualty of irresponsible sexual behavior has been the family, in particular, children. Islam views sexual relationships outside of marriage as a very serious matter because they destabilize the family and thus contribute to the breakdown of the entire social system. Islam emphasizes protection of the family by imposing severe punishments for activities that threaten the family foundation. These punishments are the same for men and women and only a legitimate government can implement them….“In addition, Muslims, whether married or unmarried are instructed as to proper dress and behavior at all times. Privacy is to be respected and compromising situations strictly avoided as a matter of obedience to God.”  Clear your doubts about Islam, Saheeh International/ Abul Qasim Publications pg. 46-47              
Fourth—At this point, some will argue there is no destabilization of the family resulting from homosexual relationships as no children come from such unions. This is exactly the point; lessening the pro-creation of mankind by its accepted and natural means, along with the blessings of family through the sanctity of the heterosexual marriage tie by redefining its requirements/elements. Thus, the effect of homosexual unions is similar to celibacy, bachelorhood or worse unnecessary abortion/murder as attacks against the family to a greater or lesser degree. The result of such behavior is an increase in deviated lustful desires, dissolution of blood-ties and painful diseases unlike what was suffered by the previous nations as the Prophet (pbuh) warned. (Ibn Majah, Al-Hakim) When analyzing the aims and purpose of the sacred Shariah, our genius-level Fuqaha (Fiqh scholars) have surmised that every ordinance and prohibition is connected to what they have designated the five values or the priority areas of life in this world that require protection: 1) life, 2) family, 3) property, 4) religion; and 5) the intellect. When you interconnect the family as a major support and means of perpetuating the religion outside of proselytizing, two of the above values are threatened by such behavior giving insight as to why it is unlawful.

Fifth—The explanations given above are essentially for Muslims by Muslims. I mention this as people who are not Muslims will always question and challenge both the commands and prohibitions of Allah. ( shwta) It is the challenging and rejection of His law that renders them kuffar/infidels. This is not only for those who disobey the laws He has revealed to the previous religious communities as well as to the Muslim Ummah, but includes those who legislate/create laws that oppose what was revealed. “AND THOSE WHO DO NOT JUDGE BY WHAT ALLAH HAS REVEALED ARE NO BETTER THAN UNBELIEVERS..”(5:44,45 (wrongdoers, great sinners and 47 rebels). Although these ayah are Allah’s response to the Jews for modifying or abrogating the Mosaic law of stoning (rajm) for Zinna (fornication/adultery) and blood wit (Qisas), its’ principle and particulars are applicable for the Ummah of Muhammad (pbuh) in the last Shariah. 
Allah says, “BUT HOW WOULD IT BE IF SOME DISASTER BEFELL THEM ON ACCOUNT OF WHAT THEIR HANDS HAVE COMMITTED, AND THEN THEY CAME TO YOU SWEARING BY ALLAH THAT THEY DESIRED NOTHING BUT AMITY AND RECONCILLATION.” (4:62) “Many people today are prepared to defend man-made laws and systems, believing them to be the best and most beneficial to humankind. However, when societies begin disintegrating and crime starts to eat into the fabric of society at all levels they retreat from their positions and start to think again. Concerning these, the Sura says: ALLAH KNOWS WHAT IS IN THEIR HEARTS. IGNORE THEM, AND ADMONISH THEM, AND SPEAK TO THEM ABOUT THEMSELVES WITH ELOQUENCE AND FORCE (63).” “Of course every unbeliever or hypocrite has his or her own point of view to uphold and argue”. A thematic commentary on the Qur’an by Shaykh Muhammad al-Ghazali, pg.67.         

Sixth—The question of equality in any and everything is a Shaitanic con job the kuffar attempt to impose on the world. “Men are the protectors and maintainers of women, because Allah has given one more strength than the other, and because they support them from their means”. (4:34) In addition to this is the inheritance law. The general rule is the woman inheritor is given less the amount of her brother’s share of inheritance. On the surface this seems unfair, but the logic of the religious law is men are monetarily responsible for those under their charge; women, children and the elderly relatives. Usually a woman will leave her father’s house to move to her husband’s, who is then responsible for her support and protection. The religious law takes into account the man’s financial obligations and gives him the larger share of the inheritance that provides him with a financial stake for what he is responsible for; starting with the prospective wife’s dowry.  This same logic can be applied to education particularly secular education as men will need education both basic and advanced as a tool to procure a decent livelihood in the industrialized world. The above ayah (5:45) and others (57:25) present the argument/view and belief that true justice or equal rights can never be found in any ordinance or system outside of the sacred Shariah.