Thursday, May 14, 2020


Question: Who are Salafis? Are they part of the Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jama'ah?


Salafis are not part of the Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jama'ah. In this age, the Ahlus Sunnah comprises of the followers of the Four Math-habs - Hanafi, Maaliki, Shaafi and Hambali. During the early era of Islam, there, were other valid Math-habs of the Sunnah as well. However, all other Math-habs have receded into oblivion, and only the Four Math-habs now remain. Any group which is outside the fold of these Four Math-habs is a deviant sect belonging to one of the 72 doomed, deviant sects predicted by Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam). The term Salafi for these people is a misnomer. They are actually the followers of Muhammad Bin Abdul Wahhaab. Najdi who appeared on the scene during the 17th century in Arabia, The proper designation of the Salafis is, therefore, Wahhaabis. The founder of this sect, namely, Muhammad Bin Abdul Wahhaab revived Taimiyyism. He was profoundly influenced by the works of .Ibn Taimiyyah whose deviant math-hab laid dormant for almost 5 centuries. Ibn Taimiyyah appeared more than 6 centuries after Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) and initiated his own mathhab, but deceptively maintained that he was from among the Hanaabilah.

In order to gain a foothold in the Ummah, the Wahhaabis called themselves Hanaabilah or the followers of the Hambali Math-hab whilst in reality they were not the true followers of Imaam Ahmad bin Hambal (rahmatullah alayh). They offered blind taqleed to Ibn Taimiyyah. These Salafis/ Wahhaabis are in conflict with the Hambali Math-hab on a variety of issues despite them resorting to Hambali Fiqh in general

They subscribe to some weird and vile beliefs which expel them from the Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jama'ah. Basically they are anthropomorphists. They ascribe human attributes to Allah Ta'ala. They interpret the Mutashaabihaat (Allegorical) verses 'of the Qur'aan Majeed and the Ahaadith literally. Thus, they ascribe to Allah Ta'ala literal hands, face, eyes, feet, etc. They are' in fact an offshoot of the Hashwi deviant sect. The Hashwis were vulgar anthropomorphists. Despite their public denial of being· Hashwis or Mujassimis, their beliefs confirm that they are anthropomorphists.

The vilest belief of kufr of their imam, Ibn Taimiyyah was that the universe is co-eternal with Allah Ta'ala. In other words; the universe was not created by Allah Ta'ala. It has been existing along with Allah Ta'ala. They brand as Mushrik those who undertake a journey to make ziyaarat of the Holy Grave of Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam). These Hashwi 'Salafis' believe that Rasulullah (sallallahu allayhi was all am) is not Hayaat (alive) in his Qabr. They propagate the evil idea that Rasulullah's mubaarak body has decomposed, perished and transformed into soil.

Among the vile beliefs of these Hashwi-Salafis is  that Allah Ta'ala is not infinite. He, according to their anthropomorphic concept, is bound by limits. He is located in a confined place on the Throne. The Throne bears Him and is bigger than Him. He is in only one direction, namely, the direction which according to us humans is 'above'. Despite the Qur'aan asserting His Presence 'in the east and west, and wherever we may be', the Hashwis interpret this to mean His Knowledge, not His Presence.

This is merely a brief introduction to Salafi' ism/Taimiyyism/Wahhaabi 'ism. Insha-Allah, this deviant sect will be explained in greater detail in books which shall be forthcoming soon. Muslims should be alert to the depredations of these so-called Salafis. They operate with cunning. They have an unwritten policy of Taqiyah (holy hypocrisy) on the basis of which they conceal their true colours and beliefs in order to gain followers from the Ahlus Sunnah. In a society where the Hanafi Math-hab predominates, they pretend to be Hanafis. But generally they claim to be Hanaabilah. Under such guises they entrap unwary and ignorant followers of the Math-habs to abandon Taqleed and become followers of desire as they are. Their deceptive slogan is 'Qur'aan and Sunnah '. Beware of them

The immoral Saudi regime is also Wahhaabi. In their belief, all the followers of the Four Math-habs are kuffaar. However, political considerations and indulgence in western immorality have constrained them to be diplomatic and 'tolerant' towards the folIowers of the Math-habs. Although they claim that the Aqaaid (Beliefs) of the followers of the Four Math-hab are kufr, political and other expedients have compelled them to mellow their abrasiveness and arrogance, hence they publicly withhold their fatwa of kufr which in terms of their Wahhaabi tenets applies to the Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jama'ah. But, for them, in reality, it is lawful to massacre and loot the Ahlus Sunnah (the People of the Four Math-habs).